Put the Cnut & Bettween apps in your investigations arsenal

If there’s a Twitter user who turns into a person of interest, an investigator could go to their Twitter page and see the last few tweets to and from that POI. But it’s easier to just use an app. Here are two quick and easy ways to not only see who someone is tweeting, but also what they are tweeting about.

1. Cnut: With Cnut, put in a Twitter username and you’re presented with all the tweets to, from and mentioning that user. It only shows tweets from the past few days, but is a quick and easy way to get a visual depiction of that person’s latest Twitter activity.

2. Bettween: The second app goes a bit further. Check out Bettween.com. This site allows you to put in a Twitter username and it returns to you the people with whom they actually exchange tweets, in reverse order of number. Then you can click to view the conversations.

There are tens of thousands of third-party applications to leverage Twitter. The last estimate I recall was that it was more than 70,000, and that was about a year ago. Some apps come and go, and none of them are perfect. Flexibility and acceptance of change is key to getting along in this world of social media. And, if you’re lucky, you’ll find one or two apps that come in handy.

This Social Media Quicktip was previously published on LawOfficer.com.