It seems the idea of creating and producing a conference entirely devoted to the use of social media by law enforcement has a lot of people intrigued. It was my good fortune recently to have been interviewed by three media outlets in three days just last week.

  • Feb 16th: Greg Friese at PIO Social Media Training interviewed me about the SMILE Conference. That interview can be heard here at his PIOSocialMediaTraining site:
  • Feb 17th: Len Sipes of DC Public Safety interviewed Chief Dan Alexander (Boca Raton), a SMILE Conference speaker and me. That interview can be heard at the DC Public Safety site here:
  • Feb 18th: And, Lt Raymond Foster, at American Heroes Radio and I talked generally about law enforcement and social media at American Heroes Radio Blog Talk Radio:
  • These interviews are all very well conducted by the hosts and hopefully will answer many of your questions not only about The SMILE Conference™ but they were all great conversations about the use of social media. Have a listen and let me know if you have any thoughts or questions.